Monday, May 30, 2011

This Heat

It is HOT out there! El DF is typically so moderate that many of us have been caught off-guard/ taken aback by this prolonged heat wave. Relatively speaking, it isn't all that hot. 85 (29) is certainly better than 105 (40). Still, many people are feeling rather miserable.

Well, I can do nothing about the heat. But, I am here to help if you have anything else on your mind. Send me a message.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

47th International Psychoanalytical Association Congress in Mexico City

"The Mexico Congress will be an international celebration of the 100th anniversary of the IPA, the culmination of the local and regional celebrations of 2010. The Congress will be an opportunity to commemorate one hundred years of achievements and to dedicate ourselves to the advancement of psychoanalysis for its next 100 years.” Professor Charles Hanly, IPA President.

Congress Site:

Ticket prices:

Online registration:

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Siga el Congreso en ESPAÑOL:

La Asociación Psicoanalítica Internacional (API) tendrá su 47 Congreso Internacional en el World Trade Center de la Ciudad de México. El Congreso coincide con la celebración del Centenario de la International Psychoanalytical Association.

Explorando Conceptos Clave: Sexualidad, Sueños y lo Inconsciente.

¿Cómo me mantengo informado de este evento? Símplemente dale click a <asistiré>, así de fácil.

Sitio Oficial del Congreso:

Tarifas e inscripción online:

Descargue el libro: "100 años de la IPA":

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